When compared to cable internet speed, fiber optic internet is the faster option. Why does that matter for your business? Faster internet can lead to higher productivity levels and a fiber optic internet connection can also help you save money. Although there are many more, here are 3 ways switching to fiber optic internet can save you money.
Does your company play music in the lobby for customers? Still playing the radio through an old boombox? Switching to a music streaming service can save your company money compared to spending on downloads or hard copy CDs. With a fiber internet connection, the streaming speed is much faster and efficient. Your company can take advantage of this speed by using a free streaming service like Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, etc. These free services can help you shave some off the bottom line. 

With fiber optic internet, you are able to remotely access your business’ alarm system and CCTV cameras through your smart device or computer. This removes the need for a an onsite security team or tape system that requires review.
Even though this technology is not necessarily new, combining it with the use of fiber internet ensures a more reliable and faster connection - not only convenient, but cost-effective.
Time is money. Would you agree? When you can't rely on your internet service, you waste time, money and resources troubleshooting issues. When looking at the pros and cons of fiber optic internet, reliability is at the top of the "pros" list.
Fiber optic cables do not conduct a current. During a storm, these cables are less likely to be hit from lightning strikes. No need to worry about downtime or outages! Also, your fiber line does not contain copper - which means the cables providing you high-speed fiber optic internet are less likely to be stolen.
These are only three ways that switching to fiber optic internet can save your business money, but there are many more. Utilizing these tips can help you meet company goals and metrics while also saving money from the budget.
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